What boy or girl dog names are right for your Miniature Schnauzer?
Whatever name you choose will – for the lifetime of your pet – say something about the personality of your dog and how you feel about him or her.
The name can even influence the way other people react to your Schnauzer, and make training either easier or harder… So it’s an important decision!
Don’t Rush Into It!
Names are ideally a reflection of the personality of the bearer. If you want to choose boy or girl dog names appropriate to the character of your Mini Schnauzer it makes sense to not rush into it.
Pups are like babies. They are either sleeping, playing or eating. Depending on which your puppy is engaged in when you see her, she may come across as lethargic and introverted, boisterous and playful, or preoccupied and aloof.
Also, leaving her breeder and litter mates is a stressful event in her life so when you first take her home she is likely to be a bit subdued for a day or so.
Wait a few days to allow her to settle in and fully express what sort of little doggy person she is before you name her.
Think Adult Not Puppy!
Mini Schnauzer puppies are sooooo adorable! It is only natural that cute male and female puppy names will seem just right for your baby. But just remember… that name might come across as a bit sickly sweet once he or she grows into a proud adult!
Emotional Charge
Some male or female dog names have a strong emotional charge to them that might influence how people react to your Miniature Schnauzer for the rest of its life. Names like “Fang” or “Hitler” could make people a bit wary and even fearful! So name with care.
Names that are short – either one or two syllables – are easier for your dog to respond to. Anything longer than that is likely to get shortened anyway!
Also, avoid names that sound similar to the basic commands you’ll be using – sit, stay, come, heel.
Are you a conformist or a bit of an individual? Will a popular dog name be right for you or are you looking for something a bit more unique?
Popular Dog Names
Veterinary Pet Insurance recently published the most popular US dog names out of 450,000 clients’ pets.
The Top Girl Dog Names were –
Molly, Bella, Lucy, Maggie and Daisy.
The Top Boy Dog Names were –
Max, Buddy, Jake, Bailey and Rocky.
An interesting trend in both boy and girl dog names over recent decades has been a move towards giving them people names. Psychologists surmise that this reflects the increasingly almost human bond that people feel for their dogs.
German Schnauzer Dog Names
You could also choose a name that reflects the German origins of your Miniature Schnauzer. Here’s a list to help you find the perfect one – There’s more choice of boy dog names than girl dog names:
GIRL DOG NAMESAdalheid/Adelheid Agatha/Agathe Aico/Aiko Amlyn Anette Angela Angelika Anka Anke Annelies Annette Antje Bärbel (BEAR-bel) Beate (bay-AH-tuh) Begonia Berta Bettina Bianka Blessi Blümchen (little flower) Britta (strength) Brunhild(e) Charlotte Cissy Claudia Dagmar Dina Drinda Edelweiss (white) Eika Elfriede Elfi/Elfie Elke Elsie Elska Engel (angel) Engelchen (little angel) Engelein (little angel) Falka Fanta Fatima Fee (FAY, fairy) Felicitas/Felizitas Flocke/Flocki (fluffy) Floh (flea) Flöhchen (little flea) Foxi Fraeulein (Miss) Freda Freja Frida Gabi Gertrud(e) Greta Gretchen Gretel Halka Halla Halma Heidi Helga Hertha Hexe (witch) Hilde Ilka Ilsa Janka Julika Karla Königin (queen) Kuschel (cuddles) Laika Lena Leni Liebe (love) Liebling (darling) Lola Lotti/Lotty Lulu Maja/Maya Margit Margret Marlene Milka Mina/Minna Mischa Monika Motte (moth) Nena Nina Nixe (sprite) Olga Ostara (Goddess of Spring) Porschea Regine Rita Romy Sabine Schatzie (sweetie) Siggi Sigrid Sigrun Sissi Steffi Sternchen (little star) Susi Sophie (sweet) Suesse (ZOO-sa; Cutie-Pie) Tanja Traude/Traute Trinka Trudi Ulla Una Ursula Uschi Uta Verona Viktoria Waldtraude/Waldtraut Wera Zucker (sugar) Zuckerl (sweetie) Zuckerpuppe (sweetie pie) |
BOY DOG NAMESAberhard Achim Adi Adicus Adler (eagle) Adrian Afram Aladin Albrecht Alois Altar Amadeus (Mozart) Ambros Arndt Arno Arnold Asterix Attila Audi Autobahn Axel Bach Baldo Baldur Balko Bär/Bärchen (bear) Barnabas Bärli (little bear) Baxter Beethoven, Bello (barker) Bengel (rascal,lad) Benno Bernd Bernhard Bertolt (Brecht) Biene (BEE-nuh; bee) Bismarck Blaubart (bluebeard) Blitz (lightning) Böhnchen (beanie) Bodo Boris (Becker) Brandy Brahms Bratwurst (sausage) Brecht Brummer (roarer) Bruno Carl/Karl Carlchen Cäsar (Caesar, Kaiser) Dierk Dieter Dino Dirk Dur (A major, music) Dux/Duxi Edel (noble) Egon Eiger Eike Einstein Eisbär Eitel Elmar Emil Eugen Fabian Fabio/Fabius Falco/Falko Falk (hawk) Fantom (ghost, phantom) Faust/Fausto Felidae (loyal) Felix Fels (rock) Ferdi Ferdinand Fidelio Fischer Fix Foxi Flach Flegel (brat) Florian Fokus Francis Frankfurter Franz Franzel Friederike Freud Fritz Fuzzi (weirdo) Gauner (rascal) Genie (ZHUH-nee; genius) Goethe Golo Götz Grau (grey) Greif (griffin) Gunther Hagen Haiko/Heiko Hans/Hannes/Hanno Hänsel Haro/Harro Hasso Heinrich Hein(o) Heintje Heinz Hektor Helmut Herzelfritz Hera Heyda Hilger Holger Horaz Hansi (Johnny) Idefix Ignaz Igor Ingo Ixi Jan Janko Johann(es) Joshka Kaffee (coffee) Kafka Kai (KYE) Kaiser Kaspar Karl/Carl Klaus Kohl König (king) Kröte (toad, minx) Krümel (little one) Kuschi Lausbub (rascal) Laster Luger (gun) Lukas Lümmel Lump(i) (rogue) Luther Lutz Manfred Martin Max Meiko Meister Mieze Moppel (tubby) Moritz Mozart Murr Muschi Muzius Nietzsche Norbert Nord Obelix Odin (Wodan) Odo Orkan (hurricane) Oskar Ossi Otfried Ottmar Otto Pala Panzer (tank) Papst (pope) Prinz (prince) Purzel (tumble) Quax Queck Rainer Reiko Rex Rolf Rudi/Rüdi Rudiger Rudolf Ruprecht Schatz (treasure) Schnaps Schnuffi Schufti Schupo (cop) Schnitzel Schwarz (black) Sebastian Semmel Siegfried Sigmund Streuzel Tristan Udo Ufa Uli/Ulli Ulrich Uwe Vagabund (vagabond) Viktor Volker Waldi Walther Wilhelm/Willi Wolf (VOLF) Wolfgang Wotan (Odin) Wunder (wonder) Wurzel Zack (pow, zap) Zimper-Pimpel Zosch |