Mini Schnauzer Breeders – Our Team of Purebred Puppy Parents.

Our Mini Schnauzer Breeders.
Ravensquill Miniature Schnauzer Kennels
Miniature Schnauzer Breeder Since 1991.

Let us introduce you to our small team of pedigree Mini Schnauzer breeders; the parents of our Miniature Schnauzer puppies for sale.

Ravensquill is a Miniature Schnauzer breeder committed to the health and happiness of our dogs and our clients.

We don’t have Miniature Schnauzer kennels per se. Our small selection of purebred Mini Schnauzers romp about on our 5 acre farm and are kept as part of our family.

Yes, this tough little breed, often so pampered in the suburbs, makes a great “farm dog”, if you pay a little basic attention to their grooming!

As a matter of practicality we clip our dogs closer than classic show grooming dictates. And so we don’t spoil their fun, we let them get dirty too. One of their favourite summer pastimes after our daily morning walkies is a dip in the farm dam!

So you won’t find perfectly presented Schnauzers here 🙂

But we assure you, under that rough exterior, our dogs have been carefully selected to parent for you the best possible puppies for your family.

Meet Our Mini Schnauzer Breeders

Our Mini Schnauzer Breeders – “The Girls”

Meet Gretchen.

miniature schnauzer breeders

Gretchen is our youngest female Mini Schnauzer breeder, and is due to have her first litter later this year (fingers crossed!). Her coat is a very dark pepper and salt and, like most Schnauzers’, will most likely lighten and fade somewhat as she matures.

She has a sunny, winning personality that makes all that meet her fall in love.

Gretchen has a super thick, long soft “mega-coat”. She is obedient and easily trained, with a calm nature, but also playful and full of fun, and an ideal dog for children.


Meet Poppy.

miniature schnauzer poppy

Poppy is the blue-blood aristocrat of the group. Her bloodlines comprise supreme champion Schnauzers from around the world!

Needless to say, she is an absolutely stunning example of the breed and has a velvety black and silver coat which has retained its dark rich colour.

Because of her kennel upbringing, Poppy is a little shy until she gets to know you. But a more devoted dog would be very hard to find and she is hands down the most trainable and well behaved Schnauzer we have ever owned.


Meet Sparkle.

Miniature Schnauzer Sparkle

Sparkle is an athletic and active girl who loves attention. Her body is beautifully proportioned with a bouncy spring to her step. She has the “proper” coarse salt and pepper coat for which the breed is reknown.

Sparkle is super smart and agile – in fact, she is the first of our dogs ever to have learnt how to get up and down our spiral staircase – and has soon taught the others by her example.

Though, like all our girls, Sparkle is easy to control off the lead on our daily walks, she is definitely the mischief maker of the family, and loves to steal our socks and shoes if we don’t keep a close eye on her.

Our Mini Schnauzer Breeders – “The Stud Boy”


mini schnauzer breeders

Meet Jet.

Jet gets his name from his black, thick, soft coat. He sure is a handsome fella!

>>>>Here is he pictured on the right.

Jet is gentle and sweet, a lover not a fighter – and very faithful, never straying far from our homestead even when we go out.

He is obedient, learns quickly and loves his ladies.

Jet passes on his exceptional good looks and great personality to all his babies.

You will find some lovely photos of our past puppies, with feedback from their new owners, on our Schnauzer Forum here.

Gemma, Peppa, Sienna, Daisy, Basil, Markus, Ella and Guinness are all our babies, fathered by Jet.

This video shows Jet meeting some of his babies:


Interested in Breeding Your Schnauzer Girl?

Miniature Schnauzer male at stud in WA

Jet is available at stud to unrelated Miniature Schnauzer ladies of good quality and temperament, who reside in or near Perth, Western Australia (note – to this end, pedigree papers of some kind will be needed to ascertain the ancestry of your bitch).

Interested owners are welcome to contact me.

Inexperienced breeders are required to first buy and study our guide to becoming an ethical and successful dog breeder, available here.

Are You a Miniature Schnauzer Breeder Committed to the Welfare of Your Dogs and Your Clients?


Other breeders of Miniature Schnauzers who share our commitment to offering clients the best possible Minature Schnauzer puppies for sale are welcome to advertise on this site.

To apply, contact me.


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