Of small dog breeds, Miniature Schnauzers are a popular choice. But are they right for you? The Mini Schnauzer certainly has a lot to offer and heaps of advantages over other small dog breeds, but they don’t suit everyone!
So, in order to get the most enjoyment out of your Miniature Schnauzer it helps to know everything about the Minature Schnauzer before taking the plunge.
And you’ll find it all right here!
What IS so great about the Mini Schnauzer, and why would a Veterinarian choose to breed them and no other?
I had already decided to go for a small dog breed because they are lower maintenance, eat less, poop less, and can’t cause as much damage as big breeds. I also support small dog breeds because – in a world where many people don’t get enough to eat – they are a more ethical choice.
Then I got more scientific…
Of all small dog breeds, there were very few which weren’t – from a veterinary viewpoint – the result of some gross genetic malformation that someone decided to perpetuate into a new breed.
I mean, how many small dog breeds are there that are simply built wrong – with long backs prone to disc slippage, abnormally short and twisted legs that slip ligaments and encourage arthritis and injury, or squashed up faces with popping eyes prone to damage, respiratory systems that go into red alert on a warm day, and mouths that can’t even bite neatly to eat their food!
We were taught at Veterinary School that bad doggy design means a lifetime of potential health problems …that narrowed the field down a lot.
As I researched the Miniture Schnauzer breed further, another thing that attracted me to them was that they don’t shed hair. They are highly rated as a hypo-allergenic breed perfect for people with mild dog dander allergies in the family (as well as the house and car proud folks out there!).
Another deciding factor was the Miniature Schnauzer personality.
Looking into the history of the breed and meeting a few of them finally clinched it for me.
I’ve now been a Mini Schnauzer owner and breeder since 1992. If Mini Schnauzers are the right breed for you, you can learn more, right here, to help you zero in on your perfect puppy! Like what Mini Schnauzer colors are available, and which do you prefer?
We’ll even help you pick a great Schnauzer name for it!
Check out the main menu of our site for more important information on how to choose the right Miniature Schnauzer breeder as well as how to care for and train your dog, what health issues to look out for, and Schnauzer grooming.